
Waltz from 'My tender and gentle animal' for piano

Título alternativo Waltz 'My tender and gentle animal' for piano
CompositorEugen Doga
Gênero Clássico / Instrumental
Instrumentação Piano
Composição paraSolo
Tipo de composiçãoFor a single performer
duração 6'0"
Ano de composição 1978
The famous waltz from the motion-picture "A Hunting Accident" is one of the most famous music works of the 20th century. In accordance with a special decision of UNESCO, the waltz is recognized as one of the 4 musical masterpieces of the last century.

data de postagem: 20 fev 2013

Arquivo de partitura musical incluindo uma licença para um número ilimitado de apresentaçoes, limitado por um ano 3.00 USD
PDF PDF, 0.96 Mb (5 p.)


Nicola Abate
27 jun 2017
A fantastic composition
Kathy Owen
09 set 2016
Eugen Doga has some beautiful pieces with a Russian flavor. How can I check to see if it is permissible to play Doga's sheet music for preludes to church services with no charge to the congregation and if there is no time limit these can be used?
Dieter Angerer
16 jan 2015
What a wonderful Composition, calm beginning and then the explosion.
Super !

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