
23 abr 2019

Music sheets with lyrics by Veronica Mikle for free

Dragi prieteni,
Toate notele creațiilor lui Eugen Doga pe versurile lui Veronica Micle - poate fi descărcat gratuit.
Reducerile sunt valabile în perioada 22 aprilie- 30 aprilie. 
Notele pot fi găsite aici:

Дорогие друзья

В течение недели все клавиры произведений Евгения Доги на стихи Вероники Микле можно скачать бесплатно. По этой ссылке

22 April a poetess Veronica Mikle was born. Within this week you can download all Eugen Doga's piano scores with lyrics by Veronica Mikle for free. Here's the link:



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