Eugen Doga

Eugen Doga

In the Mirror of the Moments

The official website

Eugen Doga - the author of the "Luchaferul  " and "Venancio " ballets, instrumental and choral works, symphonies, quartets, music for theatre performances and more than 200 films, as well as more than 260 songs and romances. 

The famous waltz  from the motion-picture "A Hunting Accident" is one of the most famous music works of the 20th century.

Eugen Doga wrote more than 40 romance songs with the poems of Mihai Eminescu and Veronica Micle,  is currently composing an opera titled "The Dialogues of Love .

The song "My White City " is the official anthem of Chisinau, the capital of Moldova.

The song “I dreamed the sound of rain  ” was written thanks to the cosmonaut V. Sevastyanov and became the favorite song of cosmonauts. 

Academician of several academies, received numerous awards.

The minor planet # 10504 is named in honor of Eugen Doga.

  Latest Sheet Music  
Si te urasc
Classical / Romance
S-a pus valul
Classical / Romance
Sa pot intinde mina
Classical / Romance


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