
  • 25 Okt 2020, News
  • 25 октября - Всемирный День Оперы
  • 25 октября -  Всемирный День Оперы.  Дата 25 октября была выбрана не случайно, в этот день родились Жорж Бизе и Иоганн Штраус. Инициаторы праздника  особо отмечают объединяющую силу музыки в условиях пандемии. Евгений Дога автор не только трех балетов, но и оперного цикла о драматической истории любви гения румынской литературы Михая Эминеску и поэтессы Вероники Микле. На их стихи он написал боле 60 произведений, которые сложились  в оперный цикл "Диалоги любви". "В 97-м я ...
  • 23 Okt 2020, News
  • Inspiration
  • Inspiration does not come out of nothing. It has to be helloed, it has to be desired. That inspiration is not likely to come with a beautiful lady. It has to be sought within oneself. If one, of course, has been gifted by nature with this unique inner source of inspiration that is called the talent. As for my style, the one I envisioned at the beginning when I had just started composing was based on my desire to write simple and beautiful music. I liked Rachmaninoff, Tchaikovsky, Verdi, then began ...
  • 19 Okt 2020, News
  • Rondo. Queen Margot
  • The idea of the ballet was inspired by the film based on this book, the soundtrack to which Eugen Doga had composed. "... It’s curious how humans function: we are mostly directed toward the future, but a huge part of us is in the past, and only a fraction of us is in the present. Collaborating on the movie "Queen Margot" allowed me to focus my creative efforts in the past, many centuries ago. This was a good opportunity, since the breath of our ancestors is still alive in each one of us. Our brain and ...
  • 12 Okt 2020, News
  • Día de la Raza. Columbus Day
  • October 12, 1492  Christopher Columbus arrived in the Americas.    Columbus Day is a national holiday in many countries of the Americas. Musical culture of Latin America reflects in Eugen Doga ’s ballet "Venancia". In 1989, Eugene Doga wrote music for the  ballet “Venancia” . Prior to that, Eugene Doga studied the unique folklore of Latin America for several years. It was a living folk art of this part of the world that was the source of inspiration for the ballet music. The ...
  • 08 Okt 2020, News
  • A fost ca un vis.A apărut ca un vis.Visul ne mișcă fibrele ascunse în adâncurile sufletului. Eu nu am compus această piesă. Eu  am pus-o pe note,care sper să facă  miliarde de universuri din ele. Eugen  Doga
  • 01 Okt 2020, News
  • International Music Day
  • Music brings people together, music erases all boundaries, music gives birth to the good ...  Eugen Doga
  • 14 Sep 2020, News
  • Autumn
  • Globalizarea există de milenii. Problema apare atunci cand ajungem la globalizarea conștiinței, cand toată lumea gandește la fel. Nu se poate asculta la fel, nu se poate să mănanci la fel. Omul nu iși dă seama. Patria este acolo unde ai pămantul acela pe care l-ai primit de la străstrăpărinții tăi. Cred că trebuie să ai acel simț de patrie, dacă nu, ești al nimănui. Unii mă intreabă unde este patria mea: eu sunt la Moscova, la Chișinău, la București, sau in altă parte. «Și unde trăiți?». In avion! Patria ...
  • 12 Sep 2020, News
  • "EUGEN DOGA - 80". Un concert aniversar 2017
  • Este publicul nostru, al meu. Sper că va rezista până la sfârşit, pentru că pentru mine este important nu doar de a cuceri publicul, dar de a-l păstra. Aici a fost la mine, am înţeles acum că am vorbit cu directorul parcului că, aproape 50 de ani în urmă a fost primul concert al meu aici. Ziua, cu orchestra Radio, lume puţină era atunci, la început.  Eugen Doga
  • 11 Sep 2020, News
  • О красоте
  • Красивое не рождается, оно присутствует в природе, ибо оно само является частицей этой природы. Как и мы, и все в этом «подлунном» мире. Мы его вычленяем, возводим на пьедестал, чтобы сполна им насладиться, воспеваем и пытаемся подключиться к его источникам той энергетической силы, которая просветляет наш ум, высвобождает наши скованные мышцы тела, очищает зрачки наших глаз, наполняет всё наше существо  устремлением в неизведанные миры и неиспытанные чувства. Евгений Дога 
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